Why Suppliers are the Winners of the Newly Competitive ERP Systems Market

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been the backbone of supplier operations for decades. Until now, there has been one dominant force when it came to choosing a provider but new technology brings new options, contributing to a more competitive market. 

You’ve likely heard of Quantum - this Supplier ERP from Component Control has been the system of choice of many suppliers, and their roster boasts over 1700 customers across 66 countries, including some of the most successful aftermarket companies. 

It’s been said that Quantum typically didn’t have to actively market their product. Those seeking a new ERP would choose Quantum ‘because everyone else had it’ and that was the only marketing strategy they needed to succeed. 

Until now, the main competition was Pentagon 2000 which in their own right, have also been very successful, particularly with the larger/enterprise sized companies. Serving the Aviation industry for close to 40 years, supporting the likes of HEICO, Topcast & Aersale. 

So what’s changed? 

In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift, the systems that have dominated the market for so many years are now having to watch over their shoulder, as the ERP selection process has become far more complex and customers are starting to favour newer, modern solutions. 

It has to be said that the catalyst for this change has been AvSight, the ‘next generation’ cloud based solution built on Salesforce. They have been the disruptors, willing to give suppliers another option and with that have won major clients such as AvAir, Kellstrom & True Aero.  

After the introduction of AvSight, came Ambry Hill’s ERP System. Ambry Hill began their journey with a sales platform & quote aggregation tool called VistaQuote but in recent years have released their own ERP system, VistaSuite. Giving AvSight some healthy competition, for those seeking a modern application.

Furthermore, there are startups looking to give those two a run for their money in ERP.Aero, CorePilot and Data Manager, both with a fresh outlook on what an ERP should look like and built with the latest technology. 

The battle between legacy and modern ERP systems is not about which is inherently better but rather which one aligns best with your business requirements. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the solutions available, offering new opportunities for businesses to innovate. 

One thing is for sure, the party that stands to benefit the most from a competitive market is the suppliers themselves. Now they have a wealth of options available to them with different features, functionality, benefits and price structures.


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