Independent Data Consortium



A global consortium of leading aviation companies working to create common data governance for data sharing.

Solution Summary

The Independent Data Consortium for Aviation (IDCA) is exactly that; a global consortium of leading aviation companies at all levels of the industry coming together to identify and develop guidelines, rules, and standards allowing data to be shared in a non-competitive manner amongst stakeholders groups. Its objective is to create a more efficient marketplace, where both waste and the time required to get to a common solution is minimized.
Here are some examples of where sharing data would be critical for IDCA members:

* Parts tracking from birth to disposal
* Aircraft on Ground (AOG) servicing
* Lease ownership transfer
* Diagnosing technical problems common to all operators
* Preserving mandatory aircraft safety data even in areas experiencing conflict

Different IDCA teams are working on developing use cases related to these examples and we plan to publish issue papers as they become finalized on our website.


Inventory Locatory Service (ILS)


Data Manager