


SkyThread is a blockchain enabled data and technology network / ecosystem to optimize data flow across aviation transactions, with critical focus to aircraft parts makers, operators, asset management, MRO aftermarket, and MRO components repair.

Solution Summary

Leveraging blockchain, SkyThread is building a federated system of record for the aviation industry to track:

1. Planes and their history of owners, configurations, and maintenance events back to original manufacture and entry-into-service.

2. All the parts on a plane and their provenance, including time on wing, time off wing, and maintenance history back to original manufacture and entry-into-service.

3. All the technicians that work on planes and their parts, including their certification and training history.

4. The locations of where maintenance is performed on planes.

These four elements, called "The 4Ps" (for #Planes, #Parts, #People, and #Places) form a core Utility Layer to the SkyThread ecosystem, for which 20+ consortium governed applications will drive upwards of $33B in yearly value to the aviation industry.


Block Aero

